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Fractalstudios band camp
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coming soon to fractalstudios April 19-22 / 24 With the release of
Chode at the end of the month
New song RoboBeats with video coming soon Check it out here and our You
Tube Page above
New Burnished Album Tribute to Faris out soon!
Singles Outtakes & Live
coming soon! 11/17/23 Here
Punk For the summer 2023
The Burnished Murder House
![Burnished Muder house video link murderhouse the burnished](https://www.fractalstudios.net/burnished%20murder%20house2.jpg)
TThanks for visiting the burnished video
gateway! For our first CD go here, to go to our Bandcamp page.
Come back here for New album, and band
We are FractalStudios a Up and comming Production company from Solon,
Ohio. We do production and recording in, and around Ohio. We have been
recording and helping out in the Cleveland, OH music scene as well as
helped out with music fests, and shows in other cities like DC, Buffalo,
and Pittsburgh. We have been helping since around early 2000's. We are a
collective of artists and Musicians, and we recently started releasing
music albums, we have been making music for years. thanks for
We are doing a
tribute to an amazing person who loved Music Faris Azim A local
Cleveland, OH hero. A couple of weeks ago marks the One Year Anniversary
of the last time playing out with my mentor, buddy, and partner in crime
Faris Azim. We had been playing music together for over 10 years and
spanned over three different bands, consisting of many songs. There was
a couple of albums worth of stuff we recorded over those years.
About Faris
Azim Student and Teacher:
Faris was a
substitute art teacher who opened his own music school teaching music.
He taught Drums, Guitar, and Bass for over 15 years teaching kids, and
adults in Cleveland Hgts, and the greater Cleveland area. He excelled
with the Guitar. He played around in Cleveland's music scene for over 25
years. He played at clubs bars and many venues around Cleveland, Athens,
Columbus, and Pittsburgh. Such as the Grogshop, The Beachland Ballroom,
and others. He was a true Musical Gruru, and when he passed, all his
equipment was donated to a School that helped out underprivileged
students learn music. Faris's family was from Syria where his
grandparents had a house. The house no longer exists due to conflicts in
the region. His Dad was head doctor ENT at Cleveland Clinic, and he was
the oldest sibling in his family. He leaves behind a sister and a
brother. He will be missed!!
I as well as
others played music with Faris and he was an incredible on Guitar.
Playing Hendrix, Doors, Dylian, Moterhead, and His own music, and songs
of The Burnished. His last band, the Burnished were the last songs we
recorded together. He was a true friend and a mentor and helped many
Clevelander's with learning how to play music.
Burnished is a Rock n Roll Band. It lives where rock meets the blues and punk rock. In
The Burnished' music, the distorted rhythm guitar and warm vocals
ride on the tight rhythm section of Faris' basslines and Steve's
hypnotic, syncopated and driving drums
He was the
kinda guy where the saying steel sharpens steel, applied to our
friendship. He was one of the few who helped bring my drumming to
another level. As a tribute to the Late Great Faris, I will be releasing
songs I recorded with him. Starting with some of the first songs we ever
did. I am releasing a 8 song Ep called: FractalStudios Tribute to
Faris It will be Out 11/17/23 On apple YouTube Amazon and
discount on our bandcamp page. These songs on this Ep are of our first
band recordings, with our friend Dan on bass. Then there is some
burnished outtake Songs, from over the years we recorded at various
studios. As well as; an official release of our song Murder House Live,
with Matt P on bass. Check us out at www.fractalstudios.net As always, Thanks for
listening, and Enjoy! More Music to come!
Some of the
proceeds from this album FractalStudios will give to; Front Line, and
greater Cleveland health and mental health services. If you or some one
you know is thinking of hurting themselves, or others. Call a family
member, a friend, or call 988, or contact https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help . It's never to
late to get help, or call a friend.
Thank you for
taking the time
Steve Whitten
Tribute To Faris
Out Soon Apple,
Spotify, Amazon, You Tube Bandcamp Cd's at fractalstudios.net
The Burnished are feverishly working on new
songs. There are new Burnished songs, but it's slow going thanks
for being patient. More Albums
coming soon! We have recorded a few new songs, and have outtakes
of some of our old stuff. As always Thanks for Listening and
10/18/23 A tribute To Faris
album coming soon This album includes New Songs, Our first
Singles, a few outtakes, and demos. Coming soon to Apple, Spotify,
You Tube and all the digital downloads. For CD's stay posted!
The Burnished Links:
Our first album You
Our First album
fractalStudios Bandcamp
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